Music Authorization is about to expire, hanging and tiktok or face copyright risk!

Music Authorization is about to expire, hanging and tiktok or face copyright risk!
- tiktok
  • Music Authorization is about to expire, hanging and tik tok or face copyright risk! Thanks to the rapid development of mobile Internet and the maturity of 4G, short video creation has become a popular "wind" that is chased by entrepreneurial.

    Tencent, one of Bat has launched 17 projects, except for the micro-visual product that gave people a deep impression.

    The head chair of the current short video is still a tempolic short video stabilization of the byte beat.

    However, it is possible to face a small dilemma recently! According to Wall Street Chinese Daily, the short video app shake under the byte beating flagship and its overseas version Tik tok, and the cooperative music company agreement is about to expire, which means that many music versions on Tik TOK are about to expire.


    Ramming needs to be authorized to renegotiate the record company to continue to use the corresponding music.

    If it is not possible to renew or sign a new cooperation agreement, in accordance with the law, the shake \ Tik Tok must remove billion videos from its own server and cannot allow users to use the music of the main record company.

    Running to the user to shoot uploaded the video and then equipped with the corresponding music, create a lot of popular "explosion", attracting more and more users to join.

    However, due to the prevention of the music copyright supervision, many users can play a "author" "original" label after the video can play a "author" "author" "author" "author" "author" to obtain a large number of traffic.

    Many musical originalists have not got the appropriate interest with the record company.

    Then, the jealousy strengthens the supervision of music copyright, and also signed version use protocols with major record companies to a certain extent, to a certain extent.

    With the improvement of the law and the improving the awareness of the Chinese people, plus the further development of the jimming / Tik Tok, some "wiping ball" behavior is clearly no longer suitable for byte beats.

    After the previous agreement of the record company expires, byte beating In order to avoid the video under the crisis, it will definitely cooperate, but as the market matures and the opponent's entry, if you want to get the copyright, the price of the byte beat is believed.

    Many more than before.

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