Media in the United States: TikTok become a trump technology war with China's latest victim

Media in the United States: TikTok become a trump technology war with China's latest victim
- tiktok
  • American media said, in recent days, the President of the United States to ban the trump used a series of speech makes the popular social media platform TikTok future reversed in the United States, makes the Chinese company with science and technology of China the latest victim of the war.

    Trump said Monday that he supports Microsoft bytes to beat bought from Beijing TikTok stake in the United States.

    He added that if the transaction has not been able to finish on September 15, the application will be "closed" in the United States.

    But this is not to trump the government for the first time after a technology company has ownership relations with China.

    Just over a year ago, LGBTQ app Grindr's situation is similar to TikTok, when the Treasury committee on foreign investment (CFIUS) a review concluded that the ownership of Beijing kunlun tech co., LTD., a national security threat to the United States.

    Beijing kunlun technology then said it would sell Grindr.

    Reuters reported in June, San Vicente Acquisitions then bought more than $600 million for this application.

    In the field of the most worrisome, the government has taken measures to trump, huawei and zte will rule out 5 g network in the United States and its Allies.

    Project, a researcher at the brookings institution in the global economy and development Geoffrey gertz said, even if there is no intelligence method, we will still see TikTok associated with China's science and technology group, such as "a lot of concern".

    "This is clearly part of the broader American u.s.-china economic and technological competition," he said.

    As tensions, fbi director Christopher ray trump, such as government officials in recent weeks on China's concern has issued a comprehensive policy speech, ray mentioned huawei and other companies associated with China.

    On Monday, the White House, a 71 - year - old trade consultant Peter navarro, in an interview with CNN, warning

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