Top Ten most popular Machine Learning videos on YouTube (latest)

Top Ten most popular Machine Learning videos on YouTube (latest)
- youtube
  • Selected from KDnuggets author: Thuy T.

    Pham Machine Heart to compile and participate: although YouTube has a lot of good machine learning videos, it's hard to know if it's worth watching, let alone uploading 300 hours of video per minute.

    In this article, we have sorted out the top ten machine learning videos that have been watched the most.

    Today's post updates the previous popular blog post (Youtube's Top Ten most popular Machine Learning videos of 2015, ://goo.


    In addition, we have added a list of four most popular related videos (part 2 of this article).

    This top machine learning video ranking includes courses in Stanford, Caltech and Google Tech Talks Deep Learning.

    We can see that using machine learning to play Mario and Hearthstone, can also detect National Hockey League (NHL) goals from real-time streaming.

    Here are the 10 highest ranked YouTube videos in the field of machine learning (as of May 3, 2017).


    MarI/O-Machine Learning for Video Games (introduction to MarI/O-Machine Learning for Video Games): this interesting demo video shows how to apply machine learning to video games, thanks to neural networks and genetic algorithms.

    What's really amazing about this video is the way the author outlines how neural networks achieve given performance.

    As a person who has also played Super Mario World, I can say that this game is extremely attractive, whether you have played it or not! Number of views: 4.

    3 million hours: 5 minutes 57 seconds link: ://www.



    Introduction to Machine Learning (Stanford University) (Machine Learning / Stanford): this is the first video of Wu Enda's famous series of machine learning handouts made at Stanford University (the first handout was eight years ago).

    It will be the only starting point for you to self-study the core knowledge of machine learning.

    If you like this video, Wu Enda's machine learning course on Coursera (link: ://www.


    org/course/ml) is no exception.

    Number of views: 1.

    43 million hours: 1 hour, 8 minutes, 39 seconds link: ://www.



    Google DEepMind Exploration-Self Learning A.


    ) introduction: the video is uploaded by ColdFusion (its official name is ColdfusTion) and shows the cutting-edge technology around people in a humorous and relaxed way.

    The video includes the following: why is AlphaGo not an expert system? Within DeepMind ("Natural" video), AlphaGo and the future of artificial intelligence (BBC nightly news).

    Number of views: 1.

    13 million hours: 13 minutes 44 seconds link: ://www.



    Genetic algorithm: how to skip the ball (Genetic algorithm.

    Learning to jump over ball.

    ) introduction: this short film is less than 3 minutes long, but it shows how to use genetic algorithms and neural networks to automate the design of motion strategies.

    See how the little creature in the video jumps the ball.

    Number of views: 105 million hours: 2 minutes 53 seconds link: ://www.



    TensorFlow: open source machine learning (TensorFlow: Open source machine learning) introduction: this is a TensorFlow introduction video.

    TensorFlow is an open source software library that uses data flow graphs for numerical calculations, originally developed by researchers and engineers in the Google brain team, which is part of Google's machine intelligence research organization.

    the latter focuses on machine learning and deep neural networks.

    Number of views: 950,000 hours: 2 minutes 17 seconds link: goo.


    Hello, world! -- Machine learning method 1 (Hello World-Machine Learning Recipes 1) introduction: uploaded by Google developers.

    To write your first machine learning program, all you have to do is write six lines of code in Python.

    In this short film, the speaker will briefly introduce what machine learning is and why machine learning is important.

    Then it introduces a supervised learning method (a technique of building classifiers based on samples) and how to write code.

    Number of views: 570,000 hours: 6 minutes 52 seconds link: goo.


    Caltech Machine Learning (Caltech Machine Learning) introduction: it is also an entry-level course in a series of machine learning courses.

    The teacher of this series of courses is Professor Yaser Abu-Mostafa of California Institute of Technology.

    This series also has online courses (://work.



    html) and a great reference textbook, (companion textbook).

    It is also a good course to master the basics of machine learning.

    Number of views: 500,000 hours: 1 hour 21 minutes 27 seconds link: goo.


    The next generation neural network (The Next Generation of Neural Networks) introduces: Geoffrey Hinton's Google Tech Talk, about the next generation neural network.

    Very good introduction to deep learning.

    It's a little old, but it's still an excellent technical introduction to this course.

    Number of views: 460,000 hours: 59 minutes 23 seconds address: goo.


    Deep Learning: big data's Intelligent (Deep Learning: Intelligence from Big Data) introduction: a panel, hosted by Stanford Business School has many industry experts discussing the impact of deep learning on the industry.

    It's interesting to be able to understand the same concept from different perspectives (deep learning).

    Learn from others, this video is good.

    Number of views: 450,000 hours: 1 hour 24 minutes 16 seconds address: ://goo.


    Study: support Vector Machine (Learning: Support Vector Machines) introduction: MIT course (fall 2010, MIT 6.

    034 artificial Intelligence).

    Patrick will show you some of the mathematical details of support vector machines.

    He used the Lagrange multiplier to maximize the width of the street under limited conditions.

    If necessary, we will use a kernel function to convert the vector into another space vector.

    Number of views: 360,000 hours: 49 minutes 33 seconds address: goo.

    gl/4gC6JR most popular video playlist section, the author introduces four machine learning video collections: from introduction to Python machine learning, each set contains multiple videos, interested readers can learn from theseFocus on video learning.


    Introduction to Machine Learning (494 videos) address: ://goo.

    gl/MipLbn introduction: part of the online course introduction to Machine Learning (Intro to ML).

    The main purpose of this course is to help you become a data scientist.

    Upload on Udacity.

    two。 Machine learning (160videos) address: goo.

    gl/lLGCVo introduction: study machine learning from the perspective of mathematics, suitable for graduate students or senior undergraduates.

    Upload videos on mathematicalmonk.


    Course Collection: Stanford Machine Learning course (20 videos) address: goo.

    gl/6EIv8q introduction: CS229 course taught by Wu Enda, an extensive introduction to machine learning and statistical pattern recognition.

    The contents include supervised learning, unsupervised learning, learning theory, reinforcement learning and adaptive control.

    Recent applications of machine learning, such as robot control, data mining and automated navigation.


    Python Machine Learning (72 videos) address: ://goo.

    gl/YLsFEM introduction: a collection of Python programming tutorials, deeper than the basics.

    Related to machine learning, finance, data analysis and robotics, web development and game research and development.

    Original link: http://www.




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